Question Title

* 1. Country :

Question Title

* 2. Group number:

Question Title

* 3. Group name:

Question Title

* 4. Type of group:

Question Title

* 5. Was the information you received before the start of the Europeade clear?

Question Title

* 6. Was the information you received, during the Europeade, clear?

Question Title

* 7. Was the IEC secretariat easily accessible before the Europeade?

Question Title

* 8. Was the regie team easily accessible during the Europeade?

Question Title

* 9. What do you think about the following activities :

  weak sufficient good very good excellent did not participate
Registration on Wednesday
Welcome evening
Children and Youth concert
Opening ceremony
Europeade by night Thursday
Music concert
Choir concert
Europeade By Night Friday
Regional Dance workshop
Children and Youth workshop
Ball (for all participants)
Religious service
Closing ceremony
Forum (Europeade village)
Street Performances 

Question Title

* 10. What do you think about the following activities :

  too many / too long insufficient sufficient good excellent did not participate
Regional rehearsal
Flag transfer
Performance of children and youth workshop
Locations manifestation

Question Title

* 11. What is your opinion about the meals:

  Too little Too little variation Sufficient Good Excellent Did not use the Europeade food
special dietary requirements

Question Title

* 12. What do you think about the overnight accomodation?

  very poor insufficient average sufficient very good Did not use Europeade accomodation
Sufficient space in class room / gym?
Adequate sanitation?
Presence of responsable persons?

Question Title

* 13. Was it helpful to have a guide?

Question Title

* 14. Was the draft program clear? (placed on the website at the beginning of June 2024)

Question Title

* 15. Was the final individual group direction sheet clear? (received during the registration on Wednesday)

Question Title

* 16. What do you think of the stage direction sheet, that was available on the website?

  yes no
I have read the brochure
The content was sufficient / adequate
The content was clear
Easy to consult on the website

Question Title

* 17. Which type of direction brochure do you prefer :

Question Title

* 18. What do you think about the online registration?

  Totally disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Totally agree
Deadlines clearly communicated
Deadlines are achievable
Musician info can be entered easily
Tool for participant list is handy

Question Title

* 19. Any thoughts or ideas to improve our online registration?

Question Title

* 20. What do you think of the current format of the Europeade?

  Weak Insufficient No opinion Sufficient Excellent
Current number of days (Wednesday to Sunday)
Current programme (2 stadion shows, street performances, specific concerts, ...)
Number of performances for your group
Sufficient opportunities to fraternise

Question Title

* 21. What suggestions do you have with respect to the next Europeade?

Question Title

* 22. Do you intend to participate in the next Europeade?

Question Title

* 23. Do you have any other comments not dealt with in earlier questions?

Question Title

* 24. Name and title of the person who completed this assessment :

Question Title

* 25. Your current e-mail address, in case we want to contact you concerning this assessment :