1. Introduction

Thank you for participating at this survey on the importance of Maintenance*. This survey is an initiative of BEMAS, the Belgian Maintenance Association, and is supported by the Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management. The purpose of the survey is to gather data to make a report illustrating the importance of Maintenance to the general public. The report will be presented at the occasion of the first edition of the Global Maintenance Day on June 9th 2023.

You can take the survey anonymously, but if you leave your e-mail address, you will receive a general report afterwards. Responses are used to generate general insights. We guarantee complete confidentiality **.

Do not hesistate to share the link to this survey with your peers.

Click 'Next' to start the survey...

Wim Vancauwenberghe
Director of BEMAS

* In this survey, maintenance mainly means technical maintenance of fysical assets. 

** The data will be managed and analysed by internal staff of BEMAS - Belgian Maintenance Association vzw. BEMAS is a Belgian not for profit organisation working in the field of maintenance and asset management. More about BEMAS on https://www.bemas.org .   At the end of the survey you can opt to give us permission to quote from your answers in the report and publications regarding the the survey.

Click 'Next' to start the survey.