The LNG Terminal in Zeebrugge was one of the first terminals in North-West Europe to offer truck loading services back in 2010. A recent expansion led to a doubling of the capacity, with Fluxys now offering 8000 loading slots per year at two loading bays. Fluxys is actively involved in developing the small-scale LNG market: in addition to projects aiming at an ongoing improvement of its installations (e.g. intermodal transport and LNG hub), it is contemplating a further expansion of its truck loading services. Hence this call for market interest for additional truck loading bays.

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1. General - ID

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2. How many truckloading slots for usage during PEAK HOURS do you foresee to purchase at the Fluxys Terminal of Zeebrugge in the coming 6 years?
*Peak hours defined as weekdays from 7.00 until 19.00

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3. How many truckloading slots for usage during OFF PEAK HOURS do you foresee to purchase at the Fluxys Terminal of Zeebrugge in the coming 6 years?
*Off peak hours defined as nights and weekends

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4. Today the majority of truckloading slots are being used during peak hours. In order to be able to continue to offer you seamless and efficient operations, what can Fluxys do to encourage you to use more off peak (nights and weekend) slots?

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5. Are you considering intermodal tranport? If yes, for which part of your volumes? If no, why not?
*Intermodal transport is transport via rail or water.

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6. How many years in advance are you ready to firmly commit to these yearly capacities to ensure Fluxys can make the necessary investments?

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7. What would be the maximum duration of such a capacity commitment for you? 
(in years)

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8. Are you willing to consider moving to a fully automated service at Zeebrugge, that might come with a lower pricing but requirements on the side of the truck driver (e.g. language requirements, need to be certified by Fluxys). If yes, for which part of your volumes? If no, why not?

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9. Other comments related to our currently offered truck loading services (e.g. booking and scheduling process) (optional):