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Students and non-alcoholic beer

Okay, so you're an upcoming student and you think you already know quite a bit. We think you will find this super short quiz difficult, but maybe we underestimate your knowledge ;-)

If you participate, you have a chance to win 1 of the 5 limited edition BeerDoppers! 

Answer the questions quickly, in any case before September 10, 2023.

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1. You've been drinking and you feel tipsy: this is because alcohol also ends up in your brain via your blood. How long does it take for alcohol to reach your brain after taking the first sip?

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2. Ouch, drank too much. You wake up with a hangover. How could you've prevented this hangover?

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3. If you want to drink less alcohol, you can opt for non-alcoholic beer. So without alcohol, but what about the calories? Compared to alcoholic beer, non-alcoholic beer contains:

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4. Non-alcoholic beer and students are a great combination.

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5. I participate in the introduction week in:

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6. Fill in your e-mail address and perhaps the limited edition BeerDopper is yours.

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7. We only use your email address to let you know if you've won and to send you an evaluation. We can only send the BeerDoppers to addresses within the Netherlands.

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