H. Pinson (UZ Gent, Belgium)
G. Hallaert (UZ Gent, Belgium)
D. Vanhauwaert (AZ Delta, Belgium)
S. Devleeschouwer (UZ Leuven, Belgium)
E. Mandonnet (Hôpital Lariboisière, France)
A. Cohen-Gadol (IU Health, US)
M. Berger (UCSF Health, US)
H. Duffau (CHU Montpellier, France)

Thank you for participating in the international survey on SMA surgery.

This survey has three main components: (1) demographic questions; (2) general questions on glioma surgery; (3) questions on the SMA syndrome. It will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Some questions do have some additional background information for the interested reader to specify why some questions were asked; this background information will be shown after the questions have been answered to avoid any bias. Therefore, no final review of the questions will be offered to the respondents and the survey can only be completed once.