Insights and predictions from top Benelux dealmakers

In this research by the M&A Community and Ansarada, we would like to know from the Dutch and Belgian M&A top how they view the market in the next twelve months. The results of this research will appear in a unique digital magazine on November 7, 2024.
M&A strategy: Cross Border Deals & Geopolitical Influences

Question Title

* 1. Required fields

Question Title

* 2. What age category do you fall into?

Question Title

* 3. What percentage of your clients are involved in cross-border deals?

Question Title

* 4. What are the most common challenges buyers face in cross-border M&A deals? (Select 2)

Question Title

* 5. Which of the following countries do you find the most and the least challenging to deal with in cross-border M&A? (Select 1 most and 1 least challenging)

  Most Least
Belgium (from Dutch perspective)
The Netherlands (from Belgian perspective)
Scandinavian countries

Question Title

* 6. Which emerging markets do you believe will be most active in cross-border M&A involving Benelux companies? (Select 1)

Question Title

* 7. What factors contribute most to the success of cross-border M&A deals? (Select 2)

Question Title

* 8. Which macroeconomic or (geo)political development will have the greatest negative impact on the European M&A climate? (Select 1)

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After clicking the 'submit' button below, you will have the opportunity to complete the M&A Trend Survey Benelux 2024/2025 - PART 3 – Value Creation