Survey Highly Sensitive Children (HSC)

1.Thank you for your interest in our survey on highly sensitive children, their way of being and their education. Your answers will help us get a better insight into the difficulties these HS children face and how they experience life in general. The trait of high sensitivity is characterized by its heightened sensitivity towards all sorts of stimuli (for instance, sounds and the capacity to perceive emotions of others) and the intense processing of this information on a deep level. We appreciate your collaboration, even if you are not completely sure as to whether your child is highly sensitive but just suspect that they might be. How many HS children do you have?
2.If you have more than one HS child, please complete a separate survey for each child. What is the sex of the child you’re filling in this survey for?
3.How old is the child we are looking at in this survey?
4.Of the following physical stimuli, to which ones does your child show a heightened response? Some sensibilities grow less intense or even disappear as the child matures; please also indicate the sensitivities that once were there but no longer exist.
5.Looking at the possible manifestations of emotional sensitivity, which of the forms mentioned below do you recognize or have you recognized in your child?
6.When having to confront new and unknown situations or circumstances, which of the forms of sensitivity mentioned below, do you notice (or have you noticed) in your child?
7.At social events, which of the forms of sensitivity mentioned below, do you notice (or have you noticed) in your child?
8.A highly sensitive child generally thinks a lot about the future and they process all information on a really deep level. Which forms of deep processing do you notice (or have you noticed) in your child?
9.Does your child have/has your child had any difficulties with the following:
10.In case your child has/had difficulties with sleeping, please indicate which. You can give an example in the box below:
11.In case your child has difficulties with eating/food, which of the following:
12.Which of the following problems or difficulties did your child have to confront in school?
13.Does your child have difficulties playing with other children?
14.We would like to know more about certain behaviors of your child. Do they like to try out new things or activities?
15.Does your child show their emotions, or talk about their feelings?
16.Does your child feel more at ease with some/very few friends than with large groups of friends?
17.How would you describe your child? Very active, or rather very quiet?
18.Does your child have difficulties adapting to new situations?
19.How does your child express their emotions?
20.Is your child easily distracted?
21.Does your child need time to observe the situation before sharing activities with others or before making contact with strangers?
22.What are your child’s talents? What do they like to do in their free time?
23.The following questions are for you, the parents. Are you a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?
24.What is your experience raising your HSP-child?
25.What do you find difficult in the upbringing of your HS child?
26.Check the statements that reflect the way of upbringing by the mother (or female caregiver) of this child:
27.Check the statements that reflect the way of upbringing by the father (or male caregiver) of this child:
28.What country do you live in?
29.How old are you?
30.Thank you for your participation. This will help shed a better light on what highly sensitive children experience and need. If you want to add something to your answers you can write it in the box below.
31.We would like to enhance the understanding of highly sensitive children in society. Giving everyday examples is a great way to do that. Are we allowed to use the examples you gave? We will only state the child’s sex and age. It will be strictly anonymous.
32.If you want to be kept posted, please fill in your email address.
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