Survey Highly Sensitive Children (HSC)
Thank you for your interest in our survey on highly sensitive children, their way of being and their education. Your answers will help us get a better insight into the difficulties these HS children face and how they experience life in general. The trait of high sensitivity is characterized by its heightened sensitivity towards all sorts of stimuli (for instance, sounds and the capacity to perceive emotions of others) and the intense processing of this information on a deep level. We appreciate your collaboration, even if you are not completely sure as to whether your child is highly sensitive but just suspect that they might be. How many HS children do you have?
4 or more
None. Thank you for your collaboration, but you are not the intended audience aimed for in this survey.
If you have more than one HS child, please complete a separate survey for each child. What is the sex of the child you’re filling in this survey for?
A girl
A boy
How old is the child we are looking at in this survey?
3 years and younger
4-5 years
6-7 years
8-9 years
10-12 years
13-15 years
16 – 17 years
18 and older
Of the following physical stimuli, to which ones does your child show a heightened response? Some sensibilities grow less intense or even disappear as the child matures; please also indicate the sensitivities that once were there but no longer exist.
Sensitive to noise
Irritable and sensitive skin (especially to seams and clothing tags)
Sensitive to pain
Sensitive to smells
Sensitive to strong lights (florescent or spot lights)
Does not want to get wet and/or dirty (e.g. can’t stand sandy hands)
Does not like strong tastes
Does not like mixed foods/tastes
None of the above
Looking at the possible manifestations of emotional sensitivity, which of the forms mentioned below do you recognize or have you recognized in your child?
Sensitive to surroundings, atmosphere
Sensitive to what others expect and hope for
Sensitive to others sadness
Tendency to identify with others emotions (empathy)
Cries easily
Empathic towards animals
Tendency to adapt to other’s needs (friends, siblings…)
Dreams a lot and does so intensely
Dreams when awake, loses themself in a fantasy world
Has imagined friends
Has spiritual talents
None of the above
When having to confront new and unknown situations or circumstances, which of the forms of sensitivity mentioned below, do you notice (or have you noticed) in your child?
Needs to observe first before joining
Makes remarks about changes in the way a person looks/dresses as compared to before
Remarks on changes in decoration
Sensitive towards important changes (such as moving house, new school, etcetera).
Startles easily in reaction to unexpected events
Needs time to adapt to changes in the daily routine such as having dinner sooner or later than usual
Displays intense reactions to unusual/special events such as sports events, school trips, etcetera.
None of the above
At social events, which of the forms of sensitivity mentioned below, do you notice (or have you noticed) in your child?
Needs time before being able to connect with guests
Finds it difficult to be the focus of attention
Feels overwhelmed in large groups
Feels uneasy when observed while doing a task
Ability to detect insincere behavior
Feels uncomfortable when someone in the group tries to get everyone’s attention
Feels uncomfortable when receiving positive attention
Likes to be the focus of attention but it wears them out
Needs time to (re)connect to grandparents
None of the above
A highly sensitive child generally thinks a lot about the future and they process all information on a really deep level. Which forms of deep processing do you notice (or have you noticed) in your child?
Strong sense of justice
A need to do everything right/make no mistakes
Wise thoughts for their age
Fear of failing
Feeling inadequate and not good enough
Being totally absorbed by a story (book, movie) and feeling part of it
Feeling stuck when having to choose from too many options
Tendency towards perfectionism
Asking profound questions
Ask questions and think about death
Generally feeling insecure, little confidence in self, fear of not being liked
Has no clear boundaries
Needs time before answering a question because they are thinking too much
Exams and tests: complicated ways of thinking when looking for the right answer
Has very clear ideas about friendship
TV: cannot stand violence
None of the above
Does your child have/has your child had any difficulties with the following:
Playing with friends
Need to be alone
Relationships with siblings
Transition from diapers to potty training
Other, please mention below
None of the above
In case your child has/had difficulties with sleeping, please indicate which. You can give an example in the box below:
Falling asleep
Thinking too much and asking questions
Fear of the dark
Waking up too early
Waking up several times during the night
Finding it difficult to be on its own
Finding it difficult to be separate from mother/father
Needing a very specific ritual when going to bed
Seeing ghosts and therefore not able to sleep well
No problems or difficulties
Not anymore, but did have in the past
Every day example in box below
In case your child has difficulties with eating/food, which of the following:
Does not want to try new foods
Can’t stand ‘hard pieces’ in their food
Hardly eats vegetables
Does not want mixed foods (sauce and spaghetti must be separate)
Needs time before starting to eat
Does not like hot food or food with strong taste
Generally complains about food being too warm
Generally complains about the texture of food in the mouth
Hardly eats meat
No problems with eating
Has no difficulties now, but has had in the past
Every day example in box below
Which of the following problems or difficulties did your child have to confront in school?
Not wanting to go to school
The teacher doesn’t understand my child
My child is not interested in the contents of subjects taught
Not performing according to potential
My child feels bored in school
My child finds most schoolwork too difficult
Fear for failing
Not able to connect with classmates
Suffers bullying
The child is a bully themself
School thinks child has AD(H)D
School thinks child is on the autism spectrum
Does not go to school yet
Is educated at home
None of the above
Has no difficulties now, but has had in the past
Every day example in box below
Does your child have difficulties playing with other children?
Only wants to play by their own rules
Hardly ever plays with other children in their free time
Feels often disappointed in other children
Adapts to what others want
Finds it difficult to connect with other children
Often breaks into tears
No problems in playing with other children
Has no difficulties now, but has had in the past
Every day example in box below
We would like to know more about certain behaviors of your child. Do they like to try out new things or activities?
Yes, my child likes to try new things
Yes, my child likes new experiences
No, my child likes to stick to what they know and are familiar with
No, my child generally rejects new things
Does your child show their emotions, or talk about their feelings?
Yes, my child has a habit of telling me about their feelings
No, it’s only very seldom that my child tells me how they feel
No, my child never talks about their feelings nor do they show their emotions
Does your child feel more at ease with some/very few friends than with large groups of friends?
Yes, my child prefers to be with just one friend, or with a very small group of friends
No, my child prefers to be with large groups
How would you describe your child? Very active, or rather very quiet?
Very active and restless
Very quiet and calm
Does your child have difficulties adapting to new situations?
No, my child is very flexible
No, my child adapts easily to any type of change or delay
Yes, my child has difficulties adapting to changes and/or surprises
Yes, my child feels thrown off balance by changes in general
How does your child express their emotions?
My child has a very intense way of showing their emotions
My child has a calm way of expressing their emotions
My child does not express their emotions
Is your child easily distracted?
Yes, my child is very easily distracted
Yes, my child gets distracted now and then
No, my child concentrates fairly well
No, my child has no trouble concentrating
Does your child need time to observe the situation before sharing activities with others or before making contact with strangers?
Yes, my child needs time observing before deciding they want to join or not
Yes, my child observes before jumping in
No, my child normally joins immediately and does not hesitate to talk to strangers
No, my child always jumps in right away
What are your child’s talents? What do they like to do in their free time?
My child is considerate and loves to help
Loves and understands animals
Has a sense of humor
Generally feels empathy
Loves to invent stories (great imagination)
Loves to spend time in nature (beach, woods, garden, mountains...)
Loves to play sports
Makes music/ plays a musical instrument
Likes to make pottery/do handicrafts
Likes to do math
Has a talent for mechanical things, technical insight
Loves philosophy
Has an interest in spirituality
Other (please specify)
The following questions are for you, the parents. Are you a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?
Yes, the father is HSP
Yes, the mother is HSP
No, none of us is HSP
In father’s case: unknown
In mother’s case: unknown
What is your experience raising your HSP-child?
Very difficult and stressful
Sometimes difficult
Pure joy
I see no difference compared to other children
Other (please explain)
What do you find difficult in the upbringing of your HS child?
The fact that they are aware of my emotions
The fact that they can be very intense and insistent
The fact that they need too much attention
It is difficult to remain patient
How to handle tantrums
Having to correct the child’s behavior
Keeping a positive attitude when managing contact between siblings
Different views in parenting style between parents
Handle conflicts at/with school
My own sensitivity
The lack of understanding from the school
Handling my child’s lack of visible emotions
The lack of understanding from family and/or friends
Handling my child’s problems related to sleep
Handling my child’s problems related to food/eating
Disapproving looks of other parents
Handling my child’s problems related to play
Others (please explain)
The fact that I am not HSP
Check the statements that reflect the way of upbringing by the mother (or female caregiver) of this child:
I really do my best to understand the motives behind my child’s anger or sadness
I often praise my child
In decisions that involve my child, I try to ask for their opinion
I am the one making the decisions, as no one is more aware of the consequences than me
I always tell my child the truth when giving an opinion on their actions and achievements
I normally lose control and get angry
I do not have a lot of patience to put up with the sensitivities of my child
I always take my child seriously, even if I find his reactions are exaggerated
I leave it up to my child to decide how much screentime they would like (on smartphones, tablets, television, laptops etc.)
I limit the time my child is allowed on screens (on smartphones, tablets, television, laptops etc.)
With regards to new situations/circumstances, I always allow my child all the time they need to get used to them
I allow my child to discover their own boundaries
When my child finds it difficult to decide/make a choice, I jump in and help a little
I hardly ever find the time to give my child my undivided attention
Every week I create a couple of moments to play with my child with undivided attention
I play with my child every day for at least 30 minutes.
I try to be aware of possible accidents and errors and warn my child
I reserve time for myself to be able to relax
Good grades are what I value most
The child has no mother/female caregiver
The child has two mothers
Check the statements that reflect the way of upbringing by the father (or male caregiver) of this child:
I really do my best to understand the motives behind my child’s anger or sadness
I often praise my child
In decisions that involve my child, I try to ask for their opinion
I am the one making the decisions, as no one is more aware of the consequences than me
I always tell my child the truth when giving an opinion on their actions and achievements
I normally lose control and get angry
I do not have a lot of patience to put up with the sensitivities of my child
I always take my child seriously, even if I find his reactions are exaggerated
I leave it up to my child to decide how much screentime they would like (on smartphones, tablets, television, laptops etc.)
I limit the time my child is allowed on screens (on smartphones, tablets, television, laptops etc.)
With regards to new situations/circumstances, I always allow my child all the time they need to get used to them
I allow my child to discover their own boundaries
When my child finds it difficult to decide/make a choice, I jump in and help a little
I hardly ever find the time to give my child my undivided attention
Every week I create a couple of moments to play with my child with undivided attention
I play with my child every day for at least 30 minutes.
I try to be aware of possible accidents and errors and warn my child
I reserve time for myself to be able to relax
Good grades are what I value most
The child has no father/male caregiver
The child has two fathers
What country do you live in?
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic
Macedonia (FYROM)
New Zealand
San Marino
Trinidad & Tobago
United Kingdom (UK)
United States of America (USA)
Other country
How old are you?
Younger than 20 years
20-30 years
30-40 years
40-50 years
50-60 years
Older than 60 years
Thank you for your participation. This will help shed a better light on what highly sensitive children experience and need. If you want to add something to your answers you can write it in the box below.
We would like to enhance the understanding of highly sensitive children in society. Giving everyday examples is a great way to do that. Are we allowed to use the examples you gave? We will only state the child’s sex and age. It will be strictly anonymous.
Yes, I give permission to use the examples I gave.
No, I don’t give permission.
If you want to be kept posted, please fill in your email address.
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