Question Title

* 1. Why do you put effort into working safely?

  strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
Because I have fun while working safely
Because it makes me happy
Because I enjoy working safely
Because safety interests me
Because I personally value safety
Because I value working in a safe environment
Because putting effort into working safely is important to me
Because I believe it is important to put effort into working safely
Because I take pride in working safely
Because otherwise I will feel guilty
Because I feel bad about myself when I don't work safely
Because I feel good about myself when I work safely
Because I risk losing my job if I don't
In order to avoid being criticized by others (e.g supervisors, colleagues, family, clients etc)
In order to get approval from others (e.g. supervisors, colleagues, family, clients etc)
In order to get a reward
I don't because it doesn't make a difference whether I work safely or not
I don't because safety is not a priority in my workplace
I don't because safety is not a priority for me
I don't because working safety is not worth the effort