Question Title

* 1. Contact details

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* 2. Please indicate the type of your organisation:

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* 3. In what area of expertise is your organization operating?
(multiple answers possible)

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* 4. Please specify your products/services:

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* 5. Does your organisation have ongoing activities (projects, activities, tendering process) in Lebanon?

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* 6. Does your organisation have plans to develop activities/business in the country?

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* 7. Does your organisation have a local office or advisor?

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* 8. Why are you interested in Lebanon? Please describe:

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* 9. Does your organisation have ongoing activities (projects, activities, tendering process) in the region/neighboring countries?

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* 10. If any, please describe your past experience/track record in Lebanon or the region:

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* 11. Who is financing (or has financed) your operations in the country? (multiple answers possible)

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* 12. What type of organisations are your partners in projects or in the tendering process?

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* 13. What is your judgment with regard to the short and long-term market opportunities in Lebanon?

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* 14. In what area do you see the need or possibility to expand activities?

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* 15. Please share some thoughts on what your organisation can contribute to solving the water problems in Lebanon. (Added value Dutch water sector, financing opportunities, etc)

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* 16. How and in what area would you prefer to be supported by the Dutch government?

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* 17. Do you want to stay up to date on the activities of NWP in Lebanon/ the region?

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* 18. Thank you for your time. If you have any additional comments or questions, please use the text box below: