As an organization, you want to attract new talent, retain employees and continue to inspire them. A strong employer brand plays an important role in this. To support organizations like yours in strengthening their employer brand, we have created a short online questionnaire. We treat all information confidentially.
1.To what extent do you find the statements below relevant to your organization as an employer?(Vereist.)
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
We have a distinctive Employer Value Proposition (EVP).
We have a future-oriented employer branding strategy.
We base our communication with potential and current employees on our EVP.
We measure the development of our employer brand.
We have a future-oriented recruitment strategy.
We recruit new employees based on a target group analysis and personas.
We have a good candidate experience.
We do a lot to motivate and retain employees.
We use one creative concept for all our labor market communications.
We communicate both internally and externally using the appropriate communication tools.
We make good use of our social media channels.
We make effective use of referral recruitment.
We have someone within the management who has employer branding in his/her portfolio.
In addition to a business strategy, we also have an associated people strategy.
We have a management team that makes the right budget available for employer branding.
As HR and Communications, we regularly consult with management about our employer brand.
2.What is the name of your company?
This field is not required. It helps if you want to share this.
3.In which sector is your company active?(Vereist.)
4.How many employees work in your company?(Vereist.)
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