UK Aerospace Survey 2024
If you have business in the UK, what type of business do you have? (Tick all that apply)
We have contracts/PO's with customers
We have suppliers in the UK
There are relationships with academia/universities
Our parent company is in the UK
We have a joint venture in the UK
We have subsidiaries in the UK
We have sales and/or purchasing agents in the UK
Other (please specify): [Enter your specific business type, if applicable]
1. In what aerospace segments are you active in the UK? (Tick all that apply)
Aircraft manufacturing (including RT&D, engineering, treatments, training, production, manpower)
MRO (including RT&D, supply chain training, certification, and manpower)
Airport infrastructure and infrastructure (including RT&D, consultancy, systems, training, maintenance)
Other (please specify): [Enter specific aerospace segments where you have business in the UK]:
What was the approximate value of business that you as a Dutch entity had in the UK during your last financial year? (Tick all that apply)
From customers
With suppliers
From your parent company/subsidiary/joint venture
Given the new UK-EU trade agreement, do you see opportunities to grow your business with the UK in the next 1 to 5 years? (select one)
Yes, but will need support (please provide specifics):
What do you see as barriers for doing business in the UK? (Tick all that apply)
Regulatory compliance
Market competition
Currency fluctuations
Access to skilled labor
Trade barriers
Geopolitical uncertainties
Other (please specify):
If you have won business in the UK, what were the key enablers that helped you win that business? (Tick all that apply)
Competitive pricing
Product quality
Strong customer relationships
Efficient supply chain management
Responsiveness to market needs
Understanding of local regulations and culture
Others (please specify):
What level of information or support are you looking for to determine if the UK market is interesting for your company? (Tick all that apply)
Market research
Regulatory compliance
Legal considerations
Tax implications
Cultural understanding
Potential partnerships or collaborations
Access to relevant networks or resources
Other (please specify):
Other comments about doing business in the UK or anything that will help us with the market study:
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