Amsterdam Art Week 2022 - Visitor survey English

1.On which day(s) did you visit Amsterdam Art Week? Multiple answers possible.
2.Did you receive an invitation for the Professionals Programme (for art professionals) of Amsterdam Art (by mail or e-mail) and/or did you register for it?
3.Was this the first time you visited Amsterdam Art Week? The event used to be called Amsterdam Art Weekend.
4.Which locations did you visit during Amsterdam Art Week? Multiple answers possible.
5.Did you visit any new locations during Amsterdam Art Week?
6.Did you come during Amsterdam Art Week for specific programme components? Multiple answers possible.
7.Why did you decide to visit Amsterdam Art Week? Multiple answers possible.
8.If you could give a mark to your visit to Amsterdam Art Week, which mark would that be? (1 = the lowest, 10 = the highest)
9.How often do you approximately visit a gallery?
10.Have you ever bought a work of art?
11.How did you find out about Amsterdam Art Week? Multiple answers possible.
12.With who did you visit Amsterdam Art Week
13.I live in:
14.What is your postal code?
15.What is your age?
16.How do you see yourself? As:
17.Amsterdam Art values cultural diversity and inclusion. What cultural background do you identify with?
This question is optional, we also understand if you prefer not to fill in this question (then please fill in: not applicable).
18.Do you have any remarks, suggestions or tips for the organisation of Amsterdam Art? This may be in the field of programming, information or communication.
19.Would you like to stay informed about the activities of the 65 participants through the newsletter?
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