Question Title

* 1. I live in 

Question Title

* 2. Age

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* 3. Gender

Question Title

* 4. What is your highest level of education?

Question Title

* 5. Which pilot license do you own? (Multiple answers possible)

Question Title

* 6. How many hours do you fly on average per year?

Question Title

* 7. How many hours have you flown in total since having your pilot licence?

Question Title

* 8. Are you subscribed to flight-related magazines? If so, which magazines?

Question Title

* 9. Which flight-related online resources (website, facebook et cetera) do you like to visit?

Question Title

* 10. Where do you primarely do your pre-flightplanning? (multiple answers possible)

Question Title

* 11. Which apps or (online) sources do you use for pre-flightplanning? (multiple answers possible)

Question Title

* 12. Which apps/ systems/ resources do you use for navigation? (Multiple answers possible)

Question Title

* 13. How often have you made an airspace infringement?

Question Title

* 14. Indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements

  I totally disagree I disagree a little Neutral I agree a little I totally agree
I know what airspace infringements are
I find airspace infringements to pose a high risk to the flight safety
I know what I can do as a pilot to avoid airspace infringements
There are things I could change as a pilot during my flights and/or during my pre-flight planning that could minimize the risk of making an airspace infringement
I am motivated to change my flying behaviour, during flight or while pre-flight planning on the ground, to prevent airspace infringements
I am open to paying more attention on my pre-flight planning to prevent airspace infringements
I am willing to listen to the correct frequency  or call ATC earlier and more often to help prevent airspace infringements
Preventing or reducing the amount of airspace infringements is not the responsibility of pilots

Question Title

* 15. Indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements

  I totally disagree I disagree a little Neutral I agree a little I totally agree
Pilots in my immediate invironment find it important that the amount of airspace infringements is reduced
I find it important that my flight behaviour matches the flight behaviour of other pilots
Pilots in my immediate invironment find pre-flight planning important to do
I know exactly what I need to do to get ‘clearance to enter’ before entering controlled airspace at Maastricht Aachen Airport 
I would describe my own flying skills as ‘strong’
While in flight, I rely strongly on my GPS equipment
I find the airpace of Maastricht Aachen Airport complex

Question Title

* 16. Indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements

  I totally disagree I disagree a little Neutral I agree a little I totally agree
My skills in radiotelephony are strong
I find radiotelephony easy to do
I find it uncomfortable to do radiotelephony
I avoid using radiotelephony if possible
I am not content with the ATC service at Maastricht Aachen Airport
I find it easy to read aeronautical charts during flight
I sometimes struggle to recognize where I am during flight, based on just reading aeronautical charts
I sometimes struggle navigating on sight, even when the weather is good.
I find navigation equipment complicated to use

Question Title

* 17. Indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements

  I totally disagree I disagree a little Neutral I agree a little I totally agree
I regularly fly past/ through/ near Maastricht Aachen Airport airspace
I sometimes diviate from my planned flying path
I always plan back-up routes during my pre-flight planning
I always do a complete pre-flight planning
During my pre-flightplanning I plan when I, approximataly, need to make contact with ATC during flight
If I don't plan on entering the controlled airspace of Maastricht Aachen Airport, I still listen the proper frequency  for that airspace
I always make contact with the ATC for Maastricht Aachen Airport before entering that controlled airspace
I always fly with transponder mode S when I fly near Maastricht Aachen Airport
I don't feel the need to change my flying behaviour to avoid airspace infringements

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* 18. The following elements make airspace infringements unavoidable

Question Title

* 19. How many friends are pilots in the General Aviation?

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* 20. How many familymembers (uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces) with whom you have regular contact, are pilots in the General Aviation?

Question Title

* 21. My parents/ brothers/ sisters are pilots

Question Title

* 22. Leave your emailadres or phonenumber here, if you want us to be able to contact you for additional questions about this questionnaire. You can also give feedback, tips or remarks.