Question Title

* 1. Wie is de Meest Invloedrijke Recruiter van 2015? Who is the Most Influential Recruiter in 2015?

Question Title

* 2. Wie is de Meest Invloedrijke Agency Recruiter van 2015? Who is the Most Influential Agency Recruiter in 2015?

Question Title

* 3. Wie is de Meest Invloedrijke Corporate Recruiter van 2015? Who is the Most Influential Corporate Recruiter in 2015?

Question Title

* 4. Wie is de Meest Invloedrijke Interim Recruiter van 2015? Who is the Most Influential Interim Recruiter in 2015? 

Question Title

* 5. Wie is het Meest Invloedrijke Recruitment Talent van 2015? Who is the Most Influential Recruitment Talent of 2015?

Question Title

* 6. Geef hieronder jouw volledige naam, functie, werkgever en LinkedIn profiel op. LET OP: (Deels) anonieme stemmen, tellen NIET mee. Please supply your full name, job title, employer and LinkedIn profile. ATTENTION: (Partially) anonymous votes will NOT be counted.  

Question Title

* 7.

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Statement: Herewith I declare that I only voted one in this election. If EmploIT discovers that I violated this rule, I herewith entitle EmploIT to remove all my votes from the election.