SurveyMonkey is trusted by more than 300K organizations and 17M active users worldwide. Which software solution is right for you?
SurveyMonkey is a global leader in survey software with more than 20 years of experience. Our survey platform not only makes it easy to create surveys, it helps you interpret your data, so that you can turn insight into action.
What do you like best?
I really love how customizable SurveyMonkey is. I can add my logo, change the colors in the survey to match the logo, and adjust the questions as I see fit. Another aspect that I like is that the program suggests questions and responses which cuts down my workload in half and practically builds some surveys for me.
What do you like best?
I love that there is a huge variety of question formats and you can easily customize brand and format of the survey as well as build out questions and logic to make it easy for the end user! Also, the variety of ways to view the analytics are amazing.
About the data:
The customer quotes were sourced on May 26, 2022 from G2, an independent and leading peer-to-peer software review platform.
SurveyMonkey makes it easy to create and share high-quality surveys so you can start collecting data in just minutes.
Gather responses and feedback from your customers, employees, or even a targeted panel based on the demographic data you choose.
Your data is only as good as the insights you can derive from it. SurveyMonkey responses are aggregated in real-time reports, making it easy to home in on data points and trends.
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