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SurveyMonkey Original Research

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Our original research delivers the insights that professionals need to shape stronger workplaces and build more profitable companies.

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57% of customers will permanently stop using a product or service after 1 bad experience

57% of customers will permanently stop using a product or service after 1 bad experience

51% of employed people said they’d take a job at another company if offered one

51% of employed people said they’d take a job at another company if offered one

From dating to data security, we help you discover the consumer trends that shape our everyday lives.

See if you can guess what people fib about the most with their healthcare professionals.

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Wish you knew more about people who mattered to you? All you have to do is ask! See how we make it easy to reach anyone, anywhere, so you can conduct your own market research in minutes.

안경과 헤드폰을 끼고 태블릿을 스크롤하고 있는 여성

Verken onze voorbeelden voor klanttevredenheidsonderzoek om snel data te verzamelen, knelpunten te vinden en de klantervaring te verbeteren.

노트북으로 기사를 보면서 스티커 메모에 정보를 쓰고 있는 남성과 여성

Ontdek hoe Ryanair met SurveyMonkey en de integratie van Microsoft Power BI elke maand 500.000 CSAT-enquêtes uitvoert en de klantervaring verbetert.

안경을 쓰고 미소를 지으며 노트북을 사용하고 있는 남성

Ontdek hoe woom met SurveyMonkey op grote schaal meertalige enquêtes uitvoert, de werknemerservaring verbetert en klantinzichten vastlegt.

노트북으로 정보를 살펴보고 있는 여성

Nieuw onderzoek over trends op de werkplek en hoe medewerkers privétijd, thuiswerken en de kloof tussen werken op afstand en op kantoor overbruggen