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How to research and develop positioning in marketing

Measure the effectiveness of your messaging with SurveyMonkey.

Regardless of the industry you’re in, it’s likely that you’re facing stiff competition. To succeed, you need to stand apart from your competitors. Learn how to measure the effectiveness of your message—quickly. 

How do you differentiate yourself from others offering similar products and services? It all boils down to positioning for marketing. Read on to find out how to establish your brand in a crowded, competitive market.

Market positioning is the process of establishing a brand image that stands out from the competition. The objective of market positioning is to influence the perception of a brand in the minds of a specific segment of consumers. Market positioning also increases brand awareness, communicates value, and justifies pricing.

Similarly, your company’s brand positioning strategy is affected not only by consumer perceptions but also by your competitors’ actions. Here’s how a positioning strategy can affect your marketing campaigns:

For example:

  • A cell phone company that positions itself as the most innovative and user-friendly launches a futuristic ad campaign with a focus on AI
  • A handbag designer positions itself as a symbol of luxury and creates marketing that features models wearing high-fashion clothing while holding their bags
  • A clothing designer that’s positioned itself as a symbol of what’s trending in fashion features marketing with celebrities and influencers wearing their clothes
  • An automobile manufacturer that positions itself as the safest brand for families features diverse, inclusive advertising with families that reflect our modern culture

Nailing the marketing entails market research, content generation that supports your message, branding that is designed to appeal to your target market, and creating messages that resonate with them. 

So, what is marketing positioning? It’s the best strategy for standing out in an established market. Using research for marketing helps you appeal to your target market by conveying the benefits of your product or service over the competition. 

There are several advantages to strong positioning in marketing, all of which ultimately lead to higher profits for your business. 

  • Competitive positioning: Today’s con